Are you a Kindle Unlimited subscriber? If so, you’re going to love this news! The Grant Wolves series is now available in the Kindle Unlimited lending library. If you’re not a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, don’t worry. The series is still available for purchase on Amazon.
Now, let me take a shot at answering some questions you might have.
Why did I decide to take the plunge with KU? It’s very difficult (and expensive) for an author to build an audience in four places at once. About 90% of my sales have been on Amazon, and when polled a solid 50% of my newsletter subscribers self-identified as KU subscribers. So I’ve decided to focus on Amazon for now.
What does this mean for non-Amazon readers? In order to enroll in Kindle Unlimited, I had to pull the eBook version of these titles from other retailers. However, iBooks, Nook & Kobo readers take heart! You’ll still have a chance at book three before it goes into KU. Join my pack so you don’t miss out on that announcement.
Will these books ever be available outside Amazon again? Absolutely. My long term goal is to make my books available everywhere, to anyone who wants to read them. I’m not sure when that will be at this point. It might be when the series is finished, or maybe in six months, or a year. Right now, I just don’t know.
What does this mean for ARC readers? You’ll still get your ARC copies in whatever format you want, so you can load them onto any eReader.
If you have any other questions, feel free to comment below or reach out to me via email.