Season 5 of Netflix’s Queer Eye recently dropped, and the timing couldn’t have been better. I’ll admit, I wasn’t super interested in this series when it first came out. I’m not even sure what made me decide to give it a try, but it hooked me from the very first episode of season 1.
I remember Bravo’s original Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, though I’m not sure I ever watched more than one episode. I remember it being a little campy, that the Fab Five would teach hapless straight guys how to be a little more metro. This version is so much different.
I mean, for starters… they don’t just makeover straight men. Men, women, gay, straight, trans, it seems like they’ve done it all. And there’s such a positive message to it. They don’t teach people how to be fashionable, they teach them how to shop for clothes that look good on them based on their body type. (And what sizes actually fit them!) They teach them about self-care and tackle social, professional, and/or personal problems they’re facing. And they do it all with compassion, flair, and a generous dose of humor.
This show makes me laugh, and it make me cry. I’m two episodes into season 5, and it’s already choked me up once. At a time when so many bad things are happening to good people, it’s incredibly refreshing to see good things happen to good people for a change.
So, if you need a little pick-me-up, this show is a great place to start. I’m trying not to go through the season too quickly, so I can drag out the feel-good effects as long as possible. This goes against my bingeing nature, so we’ll see how long my resolve lasts.