I’ve never been a new year’s resolutions sort of girl. Sure, it’s a new year, a chance to make a fresh start and cast off whatever bad habits you want to rid yourself of. But every day is an opportunity for change, right? Why wait until the end of the year to make a change, if it will improve your life?
I won’t even get into how long these best of intentions typically last.
Anyway, instead of making resolutions at the beginning of the year, I set goals. Measurable, attainable goals. My big goal for 2017 was publishing A Turn for the Worse. Nailed it. So, as I sit down to record some goals for 2018, I’m starting on a high note.
- Publish 3 books. That’s right, I’m blowing right past two and going for three. I’m reasonably confident I can release every four months, so that’s my target. With Out of Step coming in less than a week, I’m getting an early start on this one!
- Publish at least 1 short story or novella. Back in November, I wrote an 8,000 word short story set in the Grant Wolves world. I haven’t touched it since then. I’d really like to find the time to edit it and put it out there. I also have ideas for evolving it into a novella, or maybe a mini-series. I don’t know how much time I’m going to be able to carve out for side projects, but at the very least I want to get this story out there.
- Organize & optimize publishing process. If this month has taught me anything, it’s that I need a better process for editing & release. I’d like to have the book finished a little sooner so I have more time between when the book is completely finished and release, for a variety of reasons. This means writing and editing a little faster, but I think I can do it without sacrificing quality. My goal is to make everything that comes after writing/editing the book less like running around with my hair on fire, and give my advance readers more time to read the book before release.
- Network with more authors. I’m awful at networking. Completely dreadful. But it’s important, and I want to connect with more authors—especially Urban Fantasy authors. (Are you a UF author? Hit me up on social media or drop me an email!)
- Get a passport. This one has little to do with my writing, but it’s one of those things I’ve been meaning to do for years but keep putting off. This year I’ll seal the deal and maybe next year I can plan a trip somewhere cool.
That’s it for me. What about you? Comment and tell me about one (or more) of your goals for 2018.